Thursday, May 22, 2008

CA here we come!

My parents bought us tickets to come visit in August! I am so freaking EXCITED!!! We will be there Aug 5-15. Dylan will not be 2 yet, so we did not have to get a ticket for him. This was quite a savings, but it means he has to sit on our laps the whole time. We will be flying through the night, so hopefully he will sleep. He may have a little help from some Benadryl :) I am not looking forward to the flight at all, but I am very excited about the visit. There are so many people to see. Sadly, as of right now, there are no plans to make it up to Redding. But maybe we can work something out..... Last night I could not sleep I was so excited. I get to see my cousin's new baby, see Sarah while she's pregnant, see so many good friends, see family, and my brother gets to meet Dylan for the first time. I seriously can't wait!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

What a horrible wife

Last Wednesday was Jason's birthday. I, of course, had been aware of this fact for quite some time. I had shopped for (online & in town) and wrapped some pretty awesome gifts. We began celebrating early when we visited his parents the weekend before with cake, ice cream, singing- the usual stuff. The night before Jason's b-day I let him open his gifts, which were a huge success this year (this is not always the case; I can be a horrible gift giver). Apparently this triggered something in my brain, and I forgot his birthday was the next day. When we got up in the morning I did not say a word about it. In my mind his birthday had already come and gone. Jason had to rush out the door to work pretty early- there was a huge, week long, district meeting being held at our church that week. I had to work later that day and did not get off until 9 that night. It was not until probably 6 0r 7 that evening that I realized I had never wished Jason a happy birthday!! By then it was a little late to make up for it. My only saving grace- gifts is one of Jason's primary love languages. Good thing I chose this year to go a little overboard!

Friday, May 2, 2008

my son the naked cowboy

Last Thursday we drove to Ohio for a long weekend. Some of our good friends were getting married, and so we went to stay with Jason's parents. On Friday night I gave Dylan a bath in my in-laws bathroom. I got him out of the tub, and turned around to get a towel. In that short time, he wandered into his grandparent's closet. I called for Dylan to come out, and he came marching out wearing a cowboy hat he had found inside. All I could do was stand there and laugh as I watched him proudly walk-stark naked-to the door to pound on the doorknob (which is his signal that he wants me to open the door). He apparently wanted to show off his new found treasure to his daddy & grandparents. So, I followed him out-praying he would not pee on his grandparents carpet. These are a few (g-rated) pictures so you can share in the joy of this innocent, naked, moment.