So, I thought I would start with a brief update on each us to get everyone up to speed:
Owen is 11 moths old!! I can't even believe he is almost a year old already. He is crawling like crazy, has cut 4 teeth and weighs about 24 lbs!! He is full of smiles most of the time, and is a joy to be around. He loves to eat (remember the 24 lbs!!) and is a much more adventurous eater than Dylan is. He already eats what we eat most of the time, and we haven't found much he doesn't like. He transitioned to a sippy cup from the bottle this week too! It was a very easy transition, which is probably because he has never taken the bottle regularly. He mostly breastfed until about a month ago, when we began the weaning process. I guess he didn't have time to get too attached to the bottle :)
Dylan just "graduated" from his first year of preschool! He went 2 mornings a week, and loved every minute of it. He had a wonderful teacher, and I kinda wish he was going back to her class again next year. But, he will be going to preschool 5 days a week through our school district next year. I've heard wonderful things about his new teacher too, so we're hoping for another great school experience next year.
Dylan continues to be very strong willed, and keeps us on our toes. He is also very funny and knows just when to turn on the charm. He recently memorized our address, and loves to recite it to anyone who will listen.
Jason is still working on his classes to become an ordained minister. On the side, he has formed a band- Staircase Theory- with our friends Dan & Amanda Cash, Jeremy Shulz and Josh Bachran. They recorded an EP and will be working on a full length album sometime in the future :) I must say, they did a really good job, and if you're interested you can download their CD on iTunes.
In October I had a Mary Kay facial from a coworker who was also a consultant. I fell in love with the product, and decided to become a consultant myself. Within 4 months time I was making enough to be able to leave Starbucks! So by the end of January, I was DONE!!!!! Yippee! I now stay home with boys most of the time, and am able to make enough money with MK just working a few hours a week. It was such a great decision- I now love what I do, and it works for our family. Staying home with the boys sometimes makes me want to pull my hair out, but it's worth it :)
Now, here are a few recent pics:
Yay.... I am so proud of you!
I must say my boys are identical but yours are pretty darn close looking, they are so cute :) keep up the blogs and thanks for posting pictures of the boys... I miss you much
I agree with Marcie. You're boys are super cute!
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