Sunday, May 17, 2009

Big Decision

Jason and I have made a big decision about our next baby. We are going to use cloth diapers this time around instead of disposables. Every time I throw out a huge bag of Dylan's gross, stinky diapers, I feel guilty for how much waste just my ONE kid is producing! It feels like I'm filling up a landfill all by myself.... But I always thought, well there's no way I could handle cloth, so I just kept using disposables. Then our friends Daniel and Amanda decided to use cloth with their new baby Elliana. I was impressed, but still thought there was no way I could do it. Then I saw how different cloth diapers are now from when we were babies. There are so many options that I really think anyone could find a cloth diapering system that would work for them. The thing I was most concerned about was dealing with the stinky diapers once solid foods are added to the diet....but then I found out that there are flushable liners you can buy to put inside the diapers once things get messy. So really, there's not much more contact with the "poopies" than with a disposable. And actually, I like this better. Because this way the smelly poop is flushed away immediately, instead of sitting in the diaper pail until it's full, getting stinkier and stinkier. So now, we just have to decide which kind of diaper to invest in. The cost upfront is significant, but in the long run it will save money, and it is so much better for the environment. For anyone who is familiar with cloth diapers, we are thinking about using GroBaby or BumGenius one size pocket diapers. But I'm still doing research, and haven't made a final decision yet. Anyone who is interested in looking into cloth for yourselves, or just want to see what I'm talking about- here are some great websites: and their blog 


Steve, Karen, Delaney, & Jude Dunlap said...

Hi Kim!
Steve and I are going to be using cloth diapers soon. We decided that we weren't going to tackle that until Delaney turns 3 months old. We have invested in BumGenius and are really excited for the most part. I was deciding between FuzzyBuns and BumGenius, but BG was a little bit cheaper and I've heard a lot of good feedback for that product. I'll let you know how it goes! There is a great website/store that you can register at that has many options. The site is
Good luck! Let me know what you think!

kayleysmommy said...

My friend uses Bum Genius with her little one. She said it cost about $300 up front to get everything, and she got the diapers that are one size fits all. Her baby is seven months old now, and she has been using them since he was born. I just asked her how she has been liking them, and she said she loves them. She wishes she had them with her first baby.

Alicia said...

Hi, Kim,
I don't know anything about babies or diapers, but I wanted to tell you I think it's great that you're being mindful of being a good steward of our planet.

If you're looking for a good book to read your kids, my class just published one and it's on All you have to do is type in my name. It's really exciting!

Have a great summer!