Thursday, October 30, 2008

Always one step ahead of me!

Just as I was thinking to myself "wow, Dylan is playing so well by himself. I am getting so much done," I turn around and see this:

and this:

Oh well, the crayon is washable so it came easily off the couch and Dylan's face! And yes, he is wearing his winter caot and hat. He insisted on putting all his winter clothes back on this morning- including his snow boots! So cute :)

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Snow Day!!

It snowed over a foot last night!! It is amazing. It's not even November yet, and we had a huge storm. Luckily, it seems like this was just a fluke storm, not the beginning of winter already. By Halloween, it is supposed to be in the mid 50's, and so far the weather forcast for next week looks good. We were not happy to be shoveling snow at 4:30 this morning so I could be to work at 5:15, but I have to admit I really loved the beauty of it, and had a great time building a snowman with Dylan this afternoon. He really got into it, and we played outside for about an hour. 

Dylan putting the head BACK onto the snowman...

Our house at 5AM!

The view from our back window

Notice the FALL leaves under that snow!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Busy, Busy....

Well, it has been a long time since I have posted anything new. In the past few weeks I have been painting my kitchen, preparing for Dylan's second birthday, and getting ready to go out of town to visit Jason's parents and go see Coldplay!! I'm not quite sure why I thought tearing apart my kitchen 2 weeks before Dylan's birthday party was a good idea..... My goal was to have it finished before the party- because 2 and 3 yr. olds really care about the condition of our kitchen! I had to give up that dream, but it is close. For those of you who haven't heard about our crazy kitchen, I will just post a picture, words just can't describe it. I did the walls and the cabinets, so all the cabinet doors had to come off, and everything had to be primed and then painted. There are still some cabinet doors to finish, so once it is all completed, and the kitchen is put back together, I will post an "after" picture. As for Dylan's party, it was a lot of work, but so much fun. I think next year we will not have a party for him, maybe not again until he turns 5 and I know he will remember it! The kids were crazy- especially when it came time to open presents. We tried to have them all sit back and let Dylan open the gifts one by one, but that was not going to happen! We eventually gave up, and he got lots of help opening gifts from his friends. We left for Ohio Sunday night, and we are now enjoying a few days away from the busy-ness of our lives.  We had another b-day celebration with Grammie and Papa last night, and we are going to go see Coldplay tonight!! Yippee!!!!

Our kitchen "before"
(that's not wallpaper on the walls... it's paneling! Someone spent some money to get them to look like that)

Dylan's b-day celebration at the Grandparent's house

Dylan and Ethan playing with some of Dylan's new toys.... don't ask me why Dylan is wearing a chef's hat!